Roughly 60 years after their inception, roof trusses are well-established in the market, a cornerstone of residential framing. Their natural counterpart, floor trusses, are quite possibly the most misunderstood product offered by our industry.
The prescriptive residential energy code requirements found in the 2009, 2012 and 2015International Residential Code (IRC) include requirements for continuous insulation at foundations in several climate zones. This Research Report discusses the issue of cantilevered sill plates supporting metal plate connected wood trusses installed parallel and perpendicular to the foundation walls where there is a potential for discontinuous planes between the exterior wall above the sill plate and the foundation insulation planes.
A lot has changed in the components industry over the past two decades, and a new Framing the American Dream (FAD) project would allow us to quantify just how much, as well as detail our product’s benefits over other framing methods.
Beyond FAD, SBCA is also focusing on helping component manufacturers across the country fight an unfair provision in the model building code, R501.3.
As you think about investing in the future of your business, think about how much you’re willing to invest this year in these two projects to ensure a bright future for our industry.