Policy Positions
SBCA Position Statements
With a mission to protect and advance the interests of our members, SBCA is the voice of the structural building components industry to legislative, regulatory and standards-generating agencies. The Association formulates policies concerning the day-to-day operations of component manufacturers.
SBCA supports efforts that discourage illegal immigration into the United States, but new laws or regulations should not place undue regulatory or enforcement burdens on employers. SBCA believes viable and effective compliance tools need to accompany any additional enforcement. SBCA also supports expansion of merit-based state and federal guest-worker programs, as well as reasonable “path to citizenship” options, which provide a legal avenue for employers to find a sufficient source of skilled workers to fill jobs that native-born citizens are unable or unwilling to fill.
Approved by the SBCA Board of Directors March 8, 2018
SBCA supports efforts to modify U.S. trade policy that preserve mechanisms encouraging fair and equitable trade while also accounting for how specific trade actions impact domestic users and downstream consumers of commodities such as lumber and steel (i.e. creating two-tiered markets in North America), which are the two raw materials our industry uses to manufacture its products.
Approved by the SBCA Board of Directors March 8, 2018
The structural building component industry plays a significant role in communities and states throughout the country. SBCA compiles critical data that highlights this impact in each state. The maps below demonstrate the value of component manufacturers to decision-makers.