Market Education


We have been specifying laminated veneer lumber (LVL) beams for some time now. The plans usually state, “Beam to be engineered and supplied by truss manufacturer.” What kind of liability issues do I need to watch out for?


I'm looking for a book that will provide formulas and design criteria for trusses. Can you give me any suggestions of where to find a book or fairly inexpensive software?


What does “P.E.” stand for in building construction?


A condominium project I am involved with is experiencing a sound transfer problem through the floor/ceiling assembly between the first and second floor. You can hear every footstep, from an adult to a child. The floor assembly consists of a carpet and pad, 3/4 in. OSB sub-flooring, 15 in. deep wood trusses at 16 in. on center, 9 in. fiberglass batt insulation and a 5/8 in. gypsum board ceiling. The trusses span 20 ft. with air/heat ducts between the trusses. Will an additional layer of 5/8 in. gypsum board attached to 7/8 in.


I am building a new shop that is 30 ft. x 32 ft. I need to free-span the 30 ft. dimension. Where can I get a load chart that recommends lumber size and strategic locations of the angle braces to support the free span? I am going to field erect the trusses and stick build them on the building.

In many areas of the country, business is thriving. CMs have all the work their crews and plants can handle without drumming up new sales or making new connections in their marketplaces. Jess Lohse—president of Rocky Mountain Truss and 2015 president of SBCA—and Jason Blenker—president of Blenker Building Systems—say today’s boom is a perfect time to market components. 

Big C Lumber shared a lot with their guests and learned a lot as hosts. They offer a few tips for CMs looking to hold their own event. 

How one CM introduces building officials to the entire scope of work that goes into truss manufacturing. 


“All the builders and framers I talk to out there say the same thing: they can’t find enough guys to do what they want to do.” Those are the thoughts of Jason Blenker, president of Blenker Building Systems. If national surveys and media reports are accurate, the sentiment is shared by most of the construction industry across the country.

In 2001, WoodWords (later renamed SBC Magazine) began dedicating its June/July issue to a summary of the industry’s concerns and the activities of SBCA’s annual legislative conference. That tradition continued through 2014.