
  • A quarter of a million people left the housing construction industry from 2002-2012, and many of them have found employment elsewhere.
  • Framers are feeling the effects of this exodus more acutely than most, prompting them to look for creative ways to do more with fewer people.
  • CMs can play a pivotal role in switching framers from sticks to components by offering installation training and expertise to new framing employees.

ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum Design Loads of Buildings and Other Structures, lists two methods for calculating wind pressures: Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) and Components & Cladding (C&C). This report will provide information to assist the building designer in deciding upon the appropriate analysis method for uplift due to wind loading.

To what lengths can a truss go? Well, a truss can be designed to span as long as a project requires. Just take a look at the Four Winds Arena, a 20,000 sq. ft. practice riding arena with 90 ft. span trusses designed by A-1 Roof Trusses of Fort Pierce, FL.

A lay-on gable frame is typically connected from the top during truss placement, but after sheathing is installed, this connection is no longer visible for the building inspector to verify. This creates a need for an alternate connection that is visible from below. The goal of this Research Report is to analyze a simple, cost-effective, toe nail connection between the lay-on gable frames and supporting truss system that is visible after sheathing is installed.

The prescriptive residential energy code requirements found in the 2009, 2012 and 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) include requirements for continuous insulation at foundations in several climate zones. This Research Report discusses the issue of cantilevered sill plates supporting metal plate connected wood trusses installed parallel and perpendicular to the foundation walls where there is a potential for discontinuous planes between the exterior wall above the sill plate and the foundation insulation planes. 

Explore the two different methods used to calculate a wall panel’s capacity to resist applied lateral loads.

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  • Manufacturing rough openings in a plant improves site placement accuracy efficiency dues to consistent framing every time. 
  • Componentized wall sections also significantly reduce jobsite waste and allow for the use of alternative header approaches and materials.
  • Having the ability to deliver components just in time to urban jobsites alleviates the need for hard-to-find storage and staging areas.

This presentation provides construction details for residential deck ledger attachment to metal plate connected wood truss floor systems.

  • Today’s complex truss designs can present significant installation challenges to framers if there isn’t good communication between the framer and the manufacturer.
  • From storage and lifting pick points to critical bearing conditions, safe handling and installation practices need to be effectively communicated to installers.
  • During the design phase, manufacturers can help ensure smooth installation by considering the framing challenges a complex design may create and facilitate cross communication between parties.