
This presentation provides information on floor loading for metal plate connected wood trusses.

“More often than  not, if it’s a flat roof, it has a green roof on it.”


This presentation provides information on cantilevered sill plates and use with metal plate connected wood trusses.

This presentation provides information on overdriven nails in structural sheathing.

This presentation provides information on heel blocking requirements and related analysis.

This Research Report reviews pertinent sections of the 2006, 2009 and 2012 International Residential Code (IRC), the 2012 IRC Commentary, and additional sources in an effort to compile the related data and identify discrepancies or omissions. The focus is catered toward meeting and better understanding the requirements for conventionally framed roofs and roof truss construction per IRC Section R802

All building codes provide provisions for the attachment of structural sheathing to wall and roof framing members. In almost every case, the published capacity of the sheathing and fasteners assume the head of the fastener is flush with the surface of the sheathing. This Research Report discusses guidance when fasteners are overdriven.

This presentation provides information on and requirements for truss repairs.

This presentation provides information on and requirements for sprinkler loads on metal plate connected wood trusses.

This presentation provides inspection and quality assurance requirements for metal plate connected wood trusses.