Business Logistics

You don’t want a Swiss Army knife when a good sharp blade is all you need, and vice versa. 
  • Even with its many benefits, innovative framing faces resistance. Prescriptive codes don’t directly promote innovative framing, and markets are slow to adopt for many reasons.
  • The earlier in the process CMs can get in front of building designers, the greater their ability to influence the use of innovative framing techniques to design buildable structural framing. 
  • In order to get innovative framing ideas into the market effectively, you need to have your ducks in a row prior to approaching the building designer.
  • Current and past industry leaders, with the support of SBCA, have invested thousands of hours developing standards, warning documentation, training programs and other tools to help train industry employees.
  • As a salesman or general manager, knowing what to look for on contractual documents is critical even with long-time customers.
  • ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 2 can provide insight into market expectations, scopes of work, responsibilities and the value of your work.
Providing continual training and professional growth opportunities not only strengthens your workforce, it makes a huge difference in retaining your most valuable asset.

All three of these experts agreed on the bottom line: pull out and dust off all of your owner’s manuals.

In upcoming issues of SBC Magazine, we are going to look at the top ten training needs for component manufacturers, walk through the issues associated with each of those training needs, and provide guidance on industry best practices for offering basic through advanced training.
Involvement in the initial design and engineering phase of each project helps UTS set itself apart as a true partner instead of just another supplier.
  • We need to focus on our younger employees now and groom them to become the next generation of leaders in our companies and in our industry.
  • Just like raising kids, building leaders is accomplished through a million small conversations, learning moments, completed tasks and informal evaluations with feedback.
  • There has to be a commitment on your part to ensure the employees you mentor learn everything they can about their jobs and the business.

“Think more about the problems customers face and figure out a way you can solve it by improving upon what you already produce.”