Fall Protection
Step-By-Step Process for Fall Protection & Trusses
Alternate Fall Protection Plan Template
SBCA has created a customizable template for the structural building components industry, which includes links to the specific steps contained in this online approach to erecting an initial truss system.
Note: The content provided in this step-by-step online guide is currently in draft form. We encourage you to share any feedback you may have after you have thoroughly reviewed its content. Please send all comments to Sean Shields.
Step-By-Step Process
for Fall Protection & Trusses
Fall protection must be provided when performing work at heights greater than 6' in residential construction. However, 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M (the Standard) allows the ability to provide alternative methods if installing the conventional fall protection systems are either infeasible, or the employee will be exposed to a greater hazard when installing and/or removing the conventional fall protection than they would be with just setting the trusses.
CFR 1926.501(b)(13) states, Each employee engaged in residential construction activities 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above lower levels shall be protected by guardrail systems, safety net system, or personal fall arrest system unless another provision in paragraph (b) of this section provides for an alternative fall protection measure. Exception: When the employer can demonstrate that it is infeasible or creates a greater hazard to use these systems, the employer shall develop and implement a fall protection plan which meets the requirements of paragraph (k) of 1926.502.
On residential jobsites, the OSHA recommended approach of safety nets, guardrails and personal fall arrest systems may not provide adequate fall protection because: 1) safety nets may not be able to span the area below the fall zone with enough stretch to adequately protect one from hitting the next lower level; 2) there may be a lack of suitable attachment points for guardrails; 3) there may not be stable anchorage points for personal fall arrest systems; and 4) all fall protection attachments assume that the point being attached to is rigid and will not deform/fail when impacted by a fall.
Step-By-Step Process for Fall Protection & Trusses
Notice: The following web pages are intended as a guide through the process of complying with OSHA’s fall protection standard. However, fall protection and safety measures are jobsite and building specific. The Contractor is responsible for conducting a site-specific job hazard assessment (JHA) by a “qualified person,” which is defined by OSHA in the Standard. The JHA is intended to assist in identifying risks and the least hazardous way to install trusses for a particular job.