Quality Control - In-Plant

ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 3 covers quality standards for the manufacture of metal plate connected wood trusses. It requires the use of a manufacturing quality assurance procedure, and period auditing by an approved inspection agency where required by local jurisdiction. Along with helping a plant meet building code and industry standard quality control (QC) requirements, a well-managed QC program gives component manufacturers an objective tool to evaluate quality plant-wide. The resources below provide guidance on implementing industry specific QC programs to meet TPI and building code requirements.
Top Resources
The SBCA In-Plant Wood Truss QC program helps manufacturers monitor the quality of trusses they manufacture and provides the plant with a data management system.
The SBCA Wall Panel QC program helps manufacturers monitor the quality of wall panels they manufacture and provides the plant with a data management system.
The new CFSC QC Wall Panel program helps manufacturers monitor the quality of wall panels they manufacture and provides the plant with a data management system.
Best Practices
There is often confusion with regard to Inspection and Quality Assurance requirements for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses (MPCWT). There are several types of inspections described in the building codes and their referenced standard, ANSI/TPI 1. This guide will explain how each type of inspection applies to MPCWT.
This Research Report and the accompanying educational presentation focus on the inspection and quality assurance requirements for Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses (MPCWT) as defined in the building codes and their referenced standard, ANSI/TPI 1.