Customer Contract Ouch Points
Imagine this scenario: Your customer wants to buy from you and your margins are great, but the customer refuses to sign your bid/proposal unless you sign his material supply agreement—or even worse, his subcontract agreement form—while either assuring you there is nothing to worry about or threatening that if you don’t sign your competitor will!
If this sounds familiar, join SBCA legal counsel Kent Pagel to discuss the ins and outs of executing customer contracts, including what terms are the most problematic to component manufacturers and why. Learn how to negotiate what often starts as a one-sided agreement into something reasonable that won’t expose your company to unnecessary risk.
Contact SBCA staff to register today!
Workshop Schedule: This 1¼ hour workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 16 at 11 am PDT/12pm MDT/1pm CDT/2pm EDT. Truss Technician Training (TTT) recertification credit, continuing education credit (CEU) and professional development hours (PDH) are available.
Workshop Cost: Individuals from component manufacturing companies that attended BCMC 2016 in Knoxville, TN can attend this session for FREE. SBCA component manufacturer members receive a discount and pay by location, so multiple employees can participate at one cost. The member cost is $30 per location; the nonmember cost is $60 per person.
Missed a Workshop? Recordings of this workshop will be available online shortly after the presentation. The member cost is $30 per person; the nonmember cost is $60 per person. Browse past topics here.
Thank you to our SBC Advertisers for Sponsoring the Workshops!
This workshop is sponsored by Clark Industries Inc.