Using Social Media Successfully for Workforce Development

Social media is the largest free WFD tool at your company’s fingertips. When used effectively, a small investment of time in developing your social media presence will improve employee relations and entice job seekers. A study by Pew Research Center shows that 72 percent of American adults have a social media account. This means you can regularly reach your current employees on a platform they are already using and increase your exposure to potential job seekers for free!

“If you are going to hire, no matter what level in an organization, people are going to go to your company’s Facebook page, LinkedIn and visit your website to find out what your company is about.” – Jeff Smith, CEO, Trussway

Consider a few important areas where you can experience a return on the time invested in posting all of the great things your company is already doing:

Employee Relations

Celebrating employees on social media will improve your employee relations and company culture. By celebrating individual employees and/or departments you are showing your employees that you value them and that you want others to know about their success because that means success for the company. Sharing celebrations through social media allows employees’ friends, family, and other colleagues the chance to give praise as well. Happy and valued employees are more likely to be invested in their job and their quality of output. This will also show job seekers that if they apply and are hired on at your company, they will be valued too.

Exposure to Job Seekers

2019’s Job Seeker Nation Survey reports that 35 percent of people have found out about a job opening through social media and 41 percent of the younger respondents said they are likely to search for jobs on social media. While the top two ways to search for jobs are still online job boards and employer career sites, sharing links and photos to promote these openings through social media will only increase the number of eyes seeing these job openings. It is a good idea to ask your current employees to go on their social media accounts and share these open job positions with their social media network as well. This can play into your employee referral program.

Don’t have a social media account?

Take a few minutes to understand the importance of a positive social media presence, find out how to get started and view some example posts from some social-savvy CMs.

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What to Post to Make Social Media an Effective WFD Tool:

Job Openings

Thirty-five percent of people have learned about a job through social media and 72 percent of people have a social media account. Post your job openings on social media and ask your current employees to like and share these posts to increase the chance of job seekers seeing them.


Celebrating your employees, holidays and other important milestones builds a positive company culture and lets potential employees know they will be valued.

Community Outreach/Charitable Causes

Three-quarters of respondents in 2019’s Job Seeker Nation Survey consider it important to work for a company that supports charitable causes or gives back to the community.

Customer Testimonials

Posting a video or written testimonial from a customer entices new customers, makes your current employees feel good about their performance, and shows potential employees your company values quality and cares about what they do.


If you are rolling out a new product, service, or initiative in your company, this is a good way to let your customers, employees, and potential employees know what’s coming, where to find more information, or how to get involved.

Messages from Company Leadership

Anytime an executive shares a message with employees, it is powerful. Posting these on social media keeps your employees, customers, and potential employees in the know and allows them to hear straight from the source.

Newsletter and/or Blog

Posting a link any time your online newsletter or blog is updated keeps your followers updated on your business. It also allows potential employees to learn more about your company and its values.

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