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NAHB's analysis of PPI data shows material costs in the homebuilding industry are down.

- Industry News

Recent ICC testimony from the AWC and the fire service appear to cotradict each other when it comes to expected 2x10 performance.

- Industry News

This article in Builder Online provides detailed analysis of production builder Lennar Corporation’s purchase of Florida-based WCI Communities. 

- Industry News

The EPA is seeking nominations for individuals to serve on its new Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals to advise the EPA on risk assessments and TSCA implementation. 

- Industry News

They are not lending much to home buyers, and they're lending even less to single-family home builders, but banks are doling out big money to apartment developers.

- Industry News

With overall economic growth sputtering, the exceptionally modest recovery we have seen so far in home sales is likely to become even more sluggish.

- Industry News

While it was a fairly light week for economic data, speeches by President Barack Obama and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke dominated headlines.