Several of the three-minute videos in this library are separated into two audience categories: “builder customer” and “framer customer.” The code required to embed the video on your company’s website is provided with each video below. Review the Toolbox Guidance Documents to explore how these videos can be used to promote specific products or your overall marketing campaign in conjunction with other CM Toolbox materials.
- His prophecy was that the kind of automation we were involved in would make a world of difference in a truss plant when it came to employee morale and overall employee performance.
- When you install a new piece of equipment like an automated saw, your plant will perk up in ways you likely hadn’t anticipated.
- Risk management consultant Nancy Frush embraces a concept called holism.
- Nancy encourages component manufacturers to be proactive by holding health workshops to encourage healthy living habits.
- Nancy teaches that management figures should be leaders who set examples, admit when they are wrong, and are honest and caring about the employees.
- Barriers in the workplace are created by placing too much focus on titles.
- Our industry supports immigration reform that emphasizes security while also recognizing manufacturers’ workforce needs.
- Immigrant populations play a vital role in helping meet our workforce demand.
- There is a lot we can do on the local legislative front. Get involved on the state and local district level by making contacts with your lawmakers.
- This issue of SBC Magazine features articles about legal and legislative topics.
- The Sixth Annual WTCA Legislative Conference took place in Washington, DC on May 10-12.
- Some of this issue’s other features include: how to prepare yourself and your company for a buy-out, why you should think twice about selling product through a truss broker and a victory surrounding a building labeling issue.
- Without the diagonal brace, the only thing the lateral member(s) ensures is that the webs to which they are attached will be-have as a unit and buckle together in the same direction if and/or when the buckling load is reached.
- The single diagonal brace and web reinforcement options satisfy the need for bracing individual trusses and truss members, but not the stability bracing of the entire building system.
- BCSI-B3 Web Member Permanent Bra-cing/Web Reinforcement provides indus-try recommendations and methods for restraining web members against buckling.
- NAHB expects residential fixed investment (RFI) to contract over the next two years.
- Perhaps it is time to diversify: less focus on new residential construction and more focus on remodeling, industrial markets, and non-residential construction.
- To do this, consider getting closer to the end user.
- Technicians whose TTT certification has lapsed have less than six months to recertify under a special grace period.
- Starting January 1, 2007, the new recertification system will send a reminder email to the student and training manager 45 days prior to the expiration date on the technician’s original certificate.
- Technicians can choose from a number of industry-related activities to create their own customized recertification program.
- WTCA Tech Notes offer a new tool for component manufacturers to educate themselves, as well as the people in the marketplace, on the key issues they face on a daily basis.
- The goal is to clarify code and other technical issues and provide marketplace education to further the industry.
- Dakota Craft found a solution to mitigate the impact of rising fuel costs: heat its production facilities with wood waste.
- Cost cutting efforts make it possible to redirect resources toward company growth and exceptional employee benefits.
- The company invests in well-educated truss technicians because it believes that if you don’t start with a quality design, the product will negatively impact the project all the way to installation.
- Material flow is the path and process that material and paperwork travel through your operations in order to produce a finished product.
- You may find that the new computerized saw can save time cutting pieces, but you aren’t rolling trusses out the door any faster.
- Your next challenge is to put them into action by documenting your operation’s material flow.
- Four areas of concern will help identify the hazards and reduce the risks associated with handling finished trusses: forklift limitations, truss limitations, storage and loading.
- Use a proper spreader bar to transport long span trusses.
- Trusses are not designed to carry significant amounts of lateral load which means that pressure placed on the "face" of a truss can cause damage.
- Gene Woloveke started his career at Idaco Machine & Equipment Company in the late 1940s.
- Early on, the company owned a sawmill machinery manufacturing division as well as a lumber division.
- In the 1950s, Idaco ventured into the truss business, selling home packages and manufacturing truss equipment for component manufacturers.
- Gene designed and built the first automated component saw by hand.
- Idaco was among the first companies to partner with A. Carroll Sanford, inventor of the light gauge steel connector plate.
- When you buy an automated machine in today’s market, you are probably getting a stable design that will likely do what the salesperson says it will do.
- Consider this analogy before purchasing automated equipment: "You can buy a Boeing 747, but you aren’t in the airline business until you have the infrastructure that goes with it."
- Companies that take the best care of their machines are the ones that are also the most productive and profitable.
- The purchaser wants everything his way and you want everything your way; outline and know your key issues ahead of time.
- Knowing the process and the place you want to end up will help you maintain the proper focus on both running your business and the steps in the transaction.
- When you know what the purchaser is looking for (return on investment, growth, level of profitability) you can determine how to position and present your business.
- The industry’s focus on providing good field education has encouraged many manufacturers to send a jobsite package with every order delivered to a jobsite.
- Component manufacturers have provided nearly 400,000 WTCA Jobsite Packages to jobsite installers since the product was created in 2002.
- Two articles in this issue discuss the benefits of hosting plant tours, on the heels of a WTCA Board resolution encouraging hands-on education of the market.
- Glaize Components was approached by a regional building officials group to clarify temporary and permanent bracing issues.
- Scott Garber prepared for the presentation by reviewing BCSI and related B documents, which they also distributed to the group for reference.
- Mike Dellinger, Region III Vice President of the Virginia Building and Code Officials Association commented that the presentation was very helpful.
- Take the opportunity to explore a few new markets that have looked like they are available to exploit.
- Look for closely aligned businesses that would generate increased sales and might be a natural addition to your product mix.
- The planning and branding you set in place today will have a significant impact on your business in the future.