Production Line Survey Gathers Unique and Valuable Data
In an effort to help component manufacturers (CMs) find and retain more quality production employees, SBCA’s Strike Force 5 developed a short survey to measure how production line workers come into the industry, what influences their decision to stay, and what they think CMs can do to attract and retain more production employees. Learn More
BCMC 2020: In-Person Event Officially Canceled
After careful consideration and consultation with many loyal exhibitors and attendees, the SBCA Executive Committee has made the difficult decision to cancel BCMC 2020 due to significant concerns regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The SBCA Executive Committee feels it is in the best interest of both exhibitors and attendees to make this decision now and eliminate uncertainty surrounding an in-person BCMC event. Read More
What's Going on in Your Area?
Contact SBCA staff to share any topics of importance you want to discuss with other chapters.
The Latest Archive
Podcast Recordings:
EP 31: Don Groom on How He Overcame Business Challenges
EP 30: Austin Huskey Gives Insight on Family-Owned Company & Buying Raw Materials
EP 29: Ken Kucera Shares 84 Lumber's Component Manufacturing Strategy
EP 28: Margaret Whelan on How Innovations Are Changing the Construction Industry
Webinar Recordings:
October 27: Improving Production Employee Retention through Culture Development with Heather Young
October 13: Reviewing & Modifying Customer Contracts with Regard to Indemnification & Insurance Provisions with Kent Pagel
September 22: How to Attract, Hire & Retain Top Talent with Dolly Penland
August 25: Building a Brand in the Digital Age: The Why & How with Jeff Smith & Mike Loughery