The SBCA Workshop Series is designed to be an efficient way for our members to get valuable, industry-specific information. Held monthly, the online meeting format means anyone in your company can listen in on these educational sessions without leaving the office. CEUs and PDHs can also be earned through attendance, and the subject matter is always timely and concise. Don’t pass up these golden opportunities to gain market intelligence and business insight from experts from throughout the structural components industry.
This month, SBCA legal counsel Kent Pagel will be leading a session for both component manufacturers and turnkey framers on the risks associated with turnkey framing. Pagel will cover:
If you engage in turnkey framing, or have ever contemplated offering this services, this is an education session you do not want to miss.
Workshop Schedule – This 1¼ hour workshop will be held on Tuesday, January 19 at 11am PDT/12pm MDT/1pm CDT/2pm EDT. Truss Technician Training (TTT) recertification credit, continuing education credit (CEU) and professional development hours (PDH) are available.
Workshop Cost – Component manufacturing companies that attended BCMC in Milwaukee, WI in 2015 can attend this session for FREE. SBCA component manufacturer members receive a discount and pay by location so multiple employees can participate at one cost. The member cost is $30 per location; the nonmember cost is $60 per person.
For more information or to register, contact SBCA staff [1].